Billy Graham
The Definitive Collection
Track Listing
Disc 1
1. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
2. Ye, Gates Lift Up Your Heads
3. We Shall See His Lovely Face
4. Join All The Glorious Names
5. All That Thrills My Soul
6. Wonderful Grace of Jesus
7. And Can It Be
8. He Is Mine
9. Man of Sorrows
10. Song of The Soul Set Free
11. The Lord's Prayer
12. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
13. Billy Graham Speaks To The People Of New Zealand
14. It Is Well With My Soul
15. Battle Hymn of the Republic
16. Surely Goodness & Mercy
17. He’s Everything To Me
18. How Great Thou Art
19. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
20. I Believe
21. Redeemed
22. Jesus Saves
23. The Saviour King
24. Trust And Obey
25. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder
26. Blessed Assurance
27. All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
28. To God Be The Glory
29. I'd Rather Have Jesus
30. Just As I Am
Disc 2
1. Introduction by Billy Graham
2. How Great Thou Art
3. Onward Christian Soldiers
4. Glorious Is Thy Name
5. The Hallelujah Chorus from “Messiah”
6. Just A Closer Walk With Thee
7. Tis’ Marvelous And Wonderful
8. The Lord's Prayer
9. The Ninety And Nine
10. Praise To The Lord, The Almighty
11. Thou Mighty To Save
12. Verily, Verily
13. He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands
14. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
15. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
16. He The Pearly Gates Will Open
17. Every Time I Feel The Spirit
18. Deep Down In My Heart
19. Come Thou Almighty King
20. Ivory Palaces
21. Amazing Grace
22. Get All Excited
23. It Is Well With My Soul
24. Jesus Saves
25. Because He Lives
26. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
27. Bless His Holy Name (Bless The Lord)
28. Amen
29. Jacob’s Ladder
30. Just As I Am (The Invitation Hymn)
31. Blessed Assurance
Disc 3
1. Greetings From Cliff Barrows In Prague
2. Blessed Assurance - Sung in Czech
3. I Know A Name
4. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
5. Praise My Soul, The Kingdom Of Heaven
6. Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah
7. Oh Happy Day
8. There’s A New Song In My Heart
9. Surely Goodness and Mercy
10. I Have Decided To Follow Jesus
11. I’m Glad I’m Singing
12. Jesus Is Coming
13. Medley: Jesus Est Le Chemin (Jesus Christ Is The Way)
14. Swing Low Sweet Chariot
15. My Lord Knows The Way
16. Make me A Blessing
17. I’ve Discovered The Way Of Gladness
18. It Is Well With My Soul
19. Ye Gates Lift Up Your Heads
20. Just As I Am
21. What A Friend We Have In Jesus
22. The Lord’s My Shepherd - 23rd Psalm
23. Majesty
24. There Is A Redeemer
25. Shine Jesus Shine
26. Crown Him With Many Crowns
27. Be Exhalted 0 God
28. Holy, Holy, Holy Is The Lord of Hosts
29. Great Are You Lord
30. Give Thanks
31. Benediction (My God's Blessings)
32. Closing Hymn and Prayer (Sung in Czech)