Mark Lowry
Twenty Stories Tall (Live)
Track Listing
1. Take a Pill and Cook the Vegetables (Live)
2. Paw Paw's Chin (Live)
3. Praying to a Single Adult (Live)
4. Wrestling In the Kitchen (Live)
5. Mama Had Enough (Live)
6. Buses, Beds and Bill Gaither (Mark Tells a Funny Story About His Boss) [Live]
7. Open Heart Surgery (Live)
8. The Old Sanctuary (Live)
9. Miss Barth (Live)
10. Mama's On Hold (Live)
11. God Likes Hyperactive Kids (A Tender Funny Story from Mark) [Live]
12. Summacum Laude (Live)
13. All Mama Ever Wanted (Live)
14. Feelings or Faith (Live)
15. Alarm Clock (Live)
16. The New Dentist (Live)
17. Exit Row (Live)
18. The Church Brat (Live)
19. Psychiatric Help (Live)
20. Flying With a Baby (Live)